Free Calendar for Scheduling & Notes, Generic Template
This generic calendar template enables you to print a blank page where you fill in the month, year, and mark in the dates. If you've ever wanted a page to mark up for simple scheduling or notes, this simple calendar tool may be just what you need. It comes in handy when you don't have a calendar readily available for just such a purpose. The calendar page is designed to maximize usage of page space.

Important Printing Instructions
When you print the PDF document of the blank calendar page, be sure that you set the page to "Fit to Printer Margins". This setting is found when you click on the print option within Adobe Acrobat. In the print dialog window, look for "Page Handling" section and ensure that "Page Scaling" setting is set to "Fit to Printer Margins". Also ensure that "Auto-Rotate and Center" option is checked. If these settings are not adjusted as such, your printer might print the calendar page across two sheets of paper breaking up the continuity of the page.

Author: Curt Dunmire
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About Author: Curt Dunmire is the publisher, director and owner of; an advocate on topics such as the fight against spyware and extolling the benefits of JavaScript. He has been Webmaster to clients since 1996 helping them establish online business identities as well as a previous full-time CAD drafter using various CAD platforms.

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Related topics: free printable calenders, blank calender, planner calendar, downloadable page, PDF, adobe PDF document, track dates and times, scheduling days